Trying this Again! Saturday, Feb 16 2013 

I am back!  I am going to try this again.  I hope to learn my way around the blogging world this time.  Let’s hope it works for me! 🙂

Just a quick update!

  • We moved to Florida in July of 2012!  Love it here!
  • Kids started school. 
  • Thanksgiving and Christmas were both awesome!
  • We rang in the New Year (2013) with some of our new neighbors and Mimosa!
  • Husband and I started P90X and healthy eating, again. 
  • We also celebrated 15 years of Marriage on Valentines Day! 

That pretty much has you up to speed on what has been going on with me.  I will not bore you with a ton of details.  I am going to plan on posting at least 3 times a week.  I hope I have some interesting things to blog to you.

Have a great weekend!





:( Monday, May 21 2012 

So, apparently I wasn’t prepared to get back into the blogging world like I thought.  It has been a crazy couple of months.  And it is only going to get crazier.  Good news:  we found a house.  Yep, it is great.  It is almost 3000 sqft and has a pool.  I was able to get the kids in the school district I wanted to.  A big plus all the way around.

As for diet and exercise….well that is going so, so.  Right now, I am working on being able to complete a 5k with a walk run combination in under 40 min and then on to finishing the 5k with a run at 30 minutes.  I am sure I will be able to complete this before too long.  I am also still attending my step classes.  My clean eating has not been going too good.  I have really gotten off track.  I am hoping to get back soon.  As you all know, it is so much easier to just open a box or a can and call it a meal…..I hate doing that.  But I have good news on that too.  Remember me telling you about  Well they have now added a new option to choose from…’s called clean eating…..I am very excited.

Well, that is all from me tonight.  I have to get the kiddos ready for their last week of school.  I hope to be with you all again this week.


Yes it’s true! I am back. Friday, Apr 27 2012 

It seems like I have been gone forever!  I know it has been a long time.  I have managed to get sidetracked on my clean eating, exercising, and etc…..Shame on me.  But do not fear, I am on it Monday!  Yep, I feel so sluggish and have very little energy lately.  I know it is from not eating and exercising properly.  That all changes next week.  I have actually been inspired by a fellow blogger and follower of mine, to start the C25K program again.  I am excited about this.


When I left you all, I was going to Tampa to house hunt.  Well, I came up empty handed 😦  I am still on the search for a place to live.  It has been a stressful few weeks.  I know something will come along 🙂


I am not going to keep you all tonight.  I have to get ready for the gym tomorrow.  Step class, YAY!

You probably will not hear from me again until next Monday.  I hope you all have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Happy Blogging

Gonna get Crazy Fast! Thursday, Mar 15 2012 

Yes, I mean that.  Life is about to get a little crazy.  We will be house hunting in Tampa next week!  I would like to think I am ready, but who is ever ready to house hunt?  In and out houses.  Some empty and some not.  It will be exciting because these houses are beautiful.  It will be mind racking because these houses are beautiful.  How am I supposed to choose only one?  That is the hard part.  Not only that, but we only have ONE week to find somewhere to live.  We will be moving to Tampa in July.  Too bad I don’t have that long to hunt 🙂  Of course, that is probably a good thing.  I am not good at making choices like this.  Oh well, I feel confident that we will find the right house for our family!

With all of that said, I will more than likely be absent from the blog world until after the house hunting.  I will try to post anything exciting though.

As for the clean eating, well let’s just say it has been a little diverted.  The good news, I have not gained any weight.  I have acutally lost 23 pounds since I started my diet and exercise routines.  Yay!  Also, one of my fellow bloggers is doing an excellent job on the C25K program.  He has given me the motivation to start it back up.  I will be adding the program to the current exercise I do.  I still love my step and pump classes, I will not be giving those up. 🙂

Well have a great couple of weeks everyone.  I will be back shortly and hopefully with good news and pics on a house!  Wish me luck 🙂

Pinterest?! Wednesday, Mar 7 2012 

To all of my friends and followers that are making progress….Way to go!

It is starting to look like I may be able to squeeze in one post a week for a little while.  I am trying to figure out which direction I want to take my blog.  Life is pretty hectic right now and I do not have a lot of time to sit down and put thoughts together.  Well, not thoughts that make sense to anyone but me…lol

We will be going to Tampa to house hunt in a couple of weeks.  If I do not take my computer, I will make sure to come back with pictures.

Yesterday, I made my monthly trip to whole foods.  A trip that normally takes me a couple of hours, only took about 45 minutes.  I left there feeling like a Whole Foods Shopping expert. 🙂  Those are the kinds of trips to the grocery store that I like.

Now to address my blog title.  Tonight, I have been on Pinterest trying to see what all the fuss is about.  Maybe it’s just me but I just cannot become as addicted as some of my friends.  Maybe I am doing it wrong…lol.  Don’t get me wrong, there are some great ideas and I have found some awesome recipes that I want to try, but I just don’t see what all the hype is about.  I am going to try it out over the next few days and I will let you know what I find…….

Until then, Have a great week and happy blogging!


Please forgive me! Friday, Mar 2 2012 

Please forgive me for not entering the blog world lately.  It has been a crazy couple of weeks.  We found out that we are going to Tampa this summer.  But first, we have to go house hunting which means we will be doing that week after next.  Yep, a lot of miles from here to there.  I am excited and stressed all at the same time.  I know it will be worth it once we get there.  The kids are very excited about it too.  I hope to have pictures and plenty to tell once we get there.

Not much has changed for me.  I am still exercising.  Not eating as clean as I should but I haven’t given up.   I definitely need to get back into the groove as summer is approaching us.  I have yet to make it all 5 days in the gym but that goal is still there and totally reachable.  I haven’t seen any info on the spring 5k run.  That would be extremely motivating and I need all the motivation I can get….lol

I hope all is well for the rest of you.  I now have to get my gym stuff ready for tomorrow.

Have a great night everyone!


Mardi Gras and some! Wednesday, Feb 22 2012 

As I sit here enjoying my popcorn, because I have already had my King Cake and about a months worth of sweets today, I realized that I have not blogged in a few days.  That’s just not nice of me.  So many things going on.


The weekend was filled with fun, food, and friends.

Friday night we hung out with some friends and enjoyed beer and champagne.

Satruday night we attended a Mardi Gras party.  Not quite Louisiana style but definitely reminded us of  home.

Sunday night the hubby and I finally went out to celebrate our anniversary.  We went to The Melting Pot.  It was so yummy.


Monday the kids were out of school.  We had company over for some Gumbo, Potato salad, deviled eggs, sweet tea and King Cake.  Yes, I ordered my King Cake.  We also found out that we will be moving to Tampa, Florida this summer.  I am so excited.  I have wanted to go there forever.


Tonight my blog is also about Lent.  I am not part of a Religion that gives up things for Lent.  However, I have decided to try it out this year.  What better way to give up something?  Therefore, with the support of friends and family, I have decided to give up smoking!  There I said it.  The way I look at it, I am not getting the full benefits of clean living if I am still smoking these nasty cigarettes.  I guess my biggest fear is weight gain.  OF course, I am in the gym a lot so I am hoping that will be enough.  Wish me luck! Please


Also, I have been trying to figure out why I hit a Plateau so fast.  I figured it out this weekend.  It is my emeals that I love so much.  Thing is, I haven’t reached my goal weight.  Therefore, I am at a stand still and just maintaining.  Good thing is, I haven’t gained any.  I will resume my emeals once I have reached my weight loss goal.

I hope you enjoy this post and I hope you all have a great evening.

TGIF!!!!!!!!!! Saturday, Feb 18 2012 

I do apologize if I have ever posted with this title but I felt it was a great beginning to this blog and end to this week.  I made it to the gym 4 days this week.  Yay Me!  Oh and I am going back in the morning.  Gotta get my run on.  I found out today that there will be a 5k in March.  I better get myself ready.

As for eating, well let’s just say I could have done better.  But on a positive note, I got bananas 🙂  Tonight I cooked a meal from my emealz plan, Sausage and Rigatoni Skillet.  It was fantabulous!  This dish is topped with Ricotta Cheese.  Oh so Yummy!

Well we have a long weekend.  The kids and the hubby are out of school on Monday.  I only wish we could take the camper out for a few days.  But I think they are calling for snow.  😦 We cannot wait to get back in our camper.  It is so peaceful.

I hate to cut this so short but I am one tired Mama!  Not to mention the champagne I drank…lol.

I hope you all have a great weekend and I will be back on Tuesday.

What are your plans?

Valentines Thursday, Feb 16 2012 

My Valentines was great!  My husband and I also celebrated our 14th year of marriage.  I cannot believe we have been married for so long.  It seems like it was just yesterday.  We have come along way in our marriage and in miles.

This was my Facebook post yesterday.  Side Story-Last night at midnight as I was making a Valentines box and candy and cards for Gavin to take to school today.  Ashley and I were talking about what we were doing at that moment 14 years ago.  I think we were both trying to shake some nerves, thinking about what the next day and the future was going to hold.  We have come along way!  So instead of making rice bags and worrying about how the flowers were going to look and how it was all going to work, we were helping our youngest get ready to celebrate this day that means so much to the two of us.  Amazing how life changes!

My honey cooked dinner for us last night.  We had spaghetti with meat sauce and french bread.  It seems like everyone here got either Godiva or Whitmans chocolate.  Needless to say my morning at the gym was rough.  I think it was all the pasta and chocolate.  I just wanted to sleep and so did my legs.  It was nice to take a break from clean eating and just let loose a little but I paid the price.  It just shows that what you eat can and does affect your day.  It also didn’t help that I didn’t have my daily banana….. 🙂 There must be a monkey or two living here, I cannot keep those things in this house.  All in all, it was a great day.  Honey and I are going out this weekend to celebrate and pick out our gift together.

I hope you all had a wonderful day filled with love:)

Now to prepare for tomorrows workout.  Running!  Oh and with my new Nike Sensor too!



Snow Pics Tuesday, Feb 14 2012 

I do apologize for there only being two.  I was sure there were more on my camera.  Don’t worry, I have a couple more on my phone that I will Load tomorrow……have a great night!

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